
Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Aktuelle Themenausschreibungen

Sie wollen eine Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit schreiben? Wir betreuen Abschlussarbeiten sowohl auf Englisch als auch auf Deutsch und haben uns auf die folgenden Bereiche spezialisiert. Wenn einer dieser Bereiche Ihren Interessen entspricht, ermutigen wir Sie, die Initiative zu ergreifen! Bitte kontaktieren Sie den jeweiligen Lehrstuhl direkt per E-Mail.

Allgemeine Themenbereiche (auf Anfrage / Initiativbewerbung):
Data Fluency, Knowledge Management and Communication, Knowledge Visualization, Strategy Implementation, Life Design. 

Aktuelle Themen:
Applications of Visual Variations in Management

Mögliche Sprachen:
Deutsch, Englisch

Aktuelle Themenbereiche:
•    The digital transformation of corporate communications
•    Journalism, media relations, and media economics in the digital age
•    Generative AI and its impact on media organizations and professionals
•    Narrative perspectives on emerging technologies, e.g., quantum computing
•    Digital technologies as socio-technical systems
•    AI governance and ethics

Mögliche Sprachen:
Deutsch, Englisch

Aktuelle Themenbereiche:
•    Media Technologies and Cultural Change
•    Tech for Social Good and Not-for-profit Communication
•    AI Ethics and Human Rights
•    Social Media and Democracy

Mögliche Sprachen:

We are happy to offer guidance and supervision to undergraduate and graduate students planning to work on their bachelor's and master's theses. Optimal thesis supervision happens when students and supervisors share a common research interest. To help you decide whether we can be a good match for you, please take a look at our research areas and projects.

Below, we listed some examples of topics/ideas students may be interested in exploring with us.

Aktuelle Themenbereiche:

  • What communication strategies (or persuasive techniques) do businesses use (e.g., posing thought-provoking questions in their posts, creating social media challenges, etc.) to spark social media conversations and create engagement, and how effective are these strategies? Methods: Qualitative and/or quantitative social media analysis.
  • Why should brand and social media managers care about digital consumer activists? What happens to brands (and celebrities or digital influencers) after being canceled on social media, and how can they come back from it? Methods: Quantitative social media analysis and/or survey/experimental data. Qualitative interviews with business executives.
  • How can we create better measures to assess social media communication effectiveness beyond conventional indicators, such as the number of followers, likes, and comments? Methods: Qualitative social media analysis.
  • What is the future of digital advertising? How will digital advertising creation and management look in a not-so-distant future? What are the ethical considerations of AI use for ad development? Methods: Literature review and qualitative social media analysis.

Mögliche Sprachen:
Deutsch, Englisch

Kontakt zu den Lehrstühlen

Martin Eppler

Prof. Dr.


Büro 48-125
Blumenbergplatz 9
9000 St. Gallen

Miriam Meckel

Prof. Dr.


Blumenbergplatz 9

9000 St. Gallen

Veronica Barassi

Prof. Ph.D.


Blumenbergplatz 9

9000 St. Gallen

Katarina Stanoevska

Prof. Dr.

Titularprofessorin für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Informationsmanagement

Blumenbergplatz 9

9000 St. Gallen