
Knowledge Visualization in Higher Education

Ongoing Research Project

Our research projects in this area build a foundation for knowledge visualization in higher education contexts, including corporate learning. They refer to the use of visual representations in organizing, aligning, and improving (innovative) teaching and learning on all levels. 


In this vein, we established a classification (Vis2Learn) for systemizing the field and screened best practices in all types of knowledge visualization for higher learning. These include thriving applications such as virtual reality, visual learning analytics or curriculum visualization formats.

To exploit the potentials for teaching and learning we recently created two interactive visualization prototypes in cooperation with Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) and their TecLab:

For example, the Concept Glancer aims to support crossing boundaries between disciplines by considering decision-making and knowledge integration in Co-Planning and Co-Teaching as communicative processes and practices. To support students' decision-making in their course selection, we also have been working on the Course Glancer as a pilot application to visualize a substantial range of electives in business administration.

We further evaluated a pilot version of SQUARE Badges that we created and distributed in the autumn term 2022/23 and the spring term of 2023.


Martin Eppler

Prof. Dr.


Büro 48-125
Blumenbergplatz 9
9000 St. Gallen

Christian Spletter

M.A. B.A. B.Sc.

Doktorand & Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Blumenbergplatz 9

9000 St Gallen