
Hello, Barbie?

Ongoing Research Project

The =mcm3 is involved in a research project, “Hello Barbie! Voice recognition, cultural values, and privacy-by-design in entertainment voice tech for children” which is aimed at examining the entertainment products designed for children using voice-recognition software to identify products available on the global marketplace, and analyse and compare their privacy controls, terms of service, and embedded cultural values within their design.

It is an international research collaboration between =mcm3 Team led by, Prof. Veronica Barassi with Professors Jenny Kennedy, an ECR, research fellow in the school of Media and Communication at RMIT, and Yolande Strengers, Associate Professor of Digital Technology and Society based at the Emerging Technologies Research Lab at Monash University in Australia, who are the authors of the MIT Press book The Smart Wife: Why Siri, Alexa and Other Smart Home Devices need a Feminist Reboot (2020).

We are also designing a project on Children, AI and Human Rights with the Institute for Business Ethics and the School of Computer Science.
